Friday, November 27, 2009

Creativity is just dead

I saw Twilight a few days ago and I really liked it. But I am a Twilight fan and I was excited for the movie to come out.

However, going to see Twilight made me think about the creativity in Hollywood. It took a vampire a movie with cute costars and a lot of half naked Taylor Lautner, to bring in money and fans to the theater. Where is the creativity? Always sex and violence in the theaters. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch an action movie with explosions and fighting and then the hero gets Maghan Fox at the end and they kiss. Nothing wrong with that, but after 20 years of being on this planet and a great majority of it spent on watching movies and TV, I'm getting bored of the same old story. Fighting, explosions, sex, more fighting and then more explosions and then a kiss to end the movie.

It upsets me that money has taken over and we do not get quality movies anymore. Reading about old Hollywood where stars like Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe were seen as stars that got some of the best movies. Movies were written for them and were innovative and fun.

Now, when I watch movies like "Sabrina" or "Roman Holiday" I see where current movie makers get their ideas from. ''Roman Holiday" was made into a million variations. "First Daughter", "Chasing Liberty", a 1987 made for TV movie with the same name, a 2001 musical, A Gossip Girl episode named after the movie and so on. All of these ideas are recycled and over done.

Now the new thing to do is to take video games and turn them into movies. "Resident Evil" has been a big success for years and the production company will be releasing another film in 2010.

Another action movie with more violence and more sex. Not a big surprise but it's still upsetting that once again, there was no creativity. Production companies are using recycled ideas once again in order to get movies out fast and make money. I really wish more and more production companies would try to find screenplay writers that have innovative ideas and make new movies.

I wonder why they are recycling ideas. Is it lack of creativity or is the different collaborations and vertical and horizontal integration that are the causes for recycled movies. Maybe the fact that departments are getting cut means that less and less people are working on producing new movies.

I really hope someone will be able to come up with a new idea and actualy produce it. I know there is enough material out there to make a good quality movie.

Until then I will just stick to watching HBO and going to the movies when I see a fun romantic comedy.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. The other night I was watching tv and Queen of the Damned came on, it's plot structure was similar to every vampire movie. Girl falls in love with Vampire boy, how will life possibly go on?
